Entrepreneur resources
Career profiles (for students):
Lesson plan (for teachers):
Create Your Own Small Business
EVERFI develops standards-aligned, research-based digital lessons to teach students to thrive in an ever-changing world. The courses are free for K-12 Educators.
The course called "Venture - Entrepreneurial Expedition" includes 4 lesson plans of 25 min each for grades 7-12 students. The 4 lesson plans are:
Building a Balanced Budget
The Entrepreneur in You
Planning & Building a Business
Your Business Snapshot)
Students develop a personalized plan for their individual business, including financing, marketing, team-building, and market research, along with a roadmap for academic and career success. Using case studies, interactive business simulations and personal development activities, this course teaches important basic business skills.
Contact: Jacob Nabi, Lead, District Relationships Canada C:437 777 5595
Please see the link to the October 24 recording & slide deck;
General Tips and Suggestions:
Sign up for the Social Entrepreneurs program with another class in your school or community
A business mentor can be assigned to your class! Ensure that your mentor is part of the learning from the beginning of the program.
Collaborate with your SEP teaching partner and create your SEP learning partnership between your classes.
Give yourselves plenty of time to plan and to create a consistent schedule for your students to “meet” on a weekly basis (e.g., selecting a time throughout the day to do a Google Meet or collaborate through a Padlet, Google Slides, etc.)
Provide your students with lots of opportunities to build relationships with one another!
Encourage the older students to take a leadership role by choosing a “SEP Buddy” that they can support throughout the venture.
Contact the charity and invite them to “connect” with your school / participate in a Google Meet.
Provide opportunities for self-assessment/reflection before, during and after the learning journey!
Consider using Screencastify, Book Creator or Google Suite / Google Keep / Google Slides features to document learning collaboratively with all educators.
Tech Tips
There are so many opportunities to leverage digital in the SEP! The OCSB How To channel provides many tutorials and links to support.